Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gov. Sonny Perdue's Commercial

For anyone who lives in Georgia:

Is it just me, or is anyone else legitimately creeped out by Sonny Perdue's new "Sonny Do..." commercial? He starts off talking to a woman (about 20 or 30 years his junior) about protecting the children or something, but he's standing over her, like he's trying to set the mood. Then, he slides his arm around her, looks deeply in her probably partially blind eyes, and starts talking in what I can only assume is his bedroom voice. Y'know...just to let us all know that he's about to seal the deal. The room is also dimly lit. The unedited version has him wearing "Let's Get It On," while wearing his tearaway stripper clothes. It made me uncomfortable, just watching it. I can't imagine what kind of woman would even want to open her legs to a guy who looks like a fat James Carville. And anyone who's seen James Carville knows that he looks like a burn victim. Just keep an eye out for this one.

Their conversation ends like this:

Woman: I think we need to put that on your "Sonny Do" list.

Sonny: Yeah, right after I get that booty.

Grrrrr...Or maybe that's what he says in my nightmares.


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