Sunday, December 06, 2009

Be Happy It's Not "A Woman's World"

Everyone likes to fantasize about how much better things would be if their kind were in charge. It's part of why Muslims are so willing to blow themselves up; because they think that we'd all be happier under Sharia law. They claim past successes like other constantly revolting Middle East societies as proof. The truth is, people pretending to be happy because they were scared. A large part of Sharia law is chopping off body parts, and all that "listening" and "pleading your case" really gets in the way of the hacking.

I say that to provide a warning to the women of the world, because it's well known that nothing is ever good enough for women. They always want more. And when it comes to women's rights, we're on a slippery slope, because in jokes, women are always talking about how great the world would be if they were in charge. Trust me, women, you don't really want that.

How do I know what women want? Because I know a lot of women, and they like to complain about what they don't like. So, it's not like it's a secret about what women want. And what you don't want is to run the world.

I'm not saying that women are incapable of being in charge, because they are. For one, they're in charge of every household in America (except the one on Dr. Phil where that fat kid slapped his mother. That would have never happened at my house, unless I was trying to commit suicide). Husbands (men) dance to the tune that his wife is playing. That's just how life is. But to think that the world would improve because women ran it, well, that's just lunacy.

I don't know where women get off thinking that way, because women can't get along with other women at a garden party. What makes them think that the situation will get better when they've got a nuclear arsenal at their fingertips?

Women get mad at each other over the simplest things, like wearing the same dress, but try to have the rest of us believe that they'll just talk out their problems. They do it all the time on sitcoms. Two women will be sniping at each other behind their backs, but once they're in the same room together, they decide that they adore each other and their burning hatred for each other was all the men's fault. Well, that's bullshit of the first order.

Women HATE each other. I don't have a female friend that hasn't uttered the following statement to me: "I HATE OTHER WOMEN." And with good reason. Women are petty, women are jealous, and women are vindictive. And no man is as hard on a woman as another woman. The only people who call women "whores" are other women, because men are okay with a woman who just wants to get hers. It's not like we can't relate.

And how will women running the world change their relationships with men? You think your man is jealous now because you're making more money than he is? How do you think he'll act when he has to report to you in every aspect of his life? At least now, he can go to work and get away from you.

If women wind up running the world, you might as well just turn into Amazons, because that's going to destroy the entire notion of manhood. And women LOVE manhood. Women love it when their men take charge and show initiative. If women are running things, then who's gonna sing those songs where women love their man for paying their bills? Beyonce's career will become extinct, because she'll have to start adding substance to her songs. And do you really think we're gonna keep opening doors for you? "Shit, you're in charge; you open MY door." You'll be encouraging us to be the lazy slobs you already think we are.

Women HATE IT when men aren't trying to get Master's degrees like they are. Women HATE IT if they have to do something because men didn't do it to THEIR LOFTY STANDARDS. They already resent us for the littlest things, like not doing things like them. If women actually started running the world, we'd see a rash of women dying of aneurysms.

Not only that, women LIKE to use their sex appeal to get their way. Well, if you're running the world, who are you going to seduce? The only reason why that works is because men can't say no. Women were trained (mostly by dealing with horny men) to reject all sex until they decide to go along with it. If men aren't promoting chicks that they're sleeping with, then who are you gonna gossip about?

It's just going to create a world that you, women, will not be happy in. I'm just trying to save you from yourselves. Just be happy with shattering that glass ceiling instead of having delusions of grandeur.

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