It's pretty common these days to say, "I just don't agree with his lifestyle," as if people are sitting around waiting for your fucking approval. You usually hear this in conversations about gay people or gay marriage, but I don't see why people even waste time thinking about it. Gay people haven't gotten the approval of lots of people in human history, and it hasn't curbed the inherent lust for same-sex flesh even a little bit. So clearly, they're not waiting for you to give the thumbs up.
In fact, the more people that come out against gay activities has led to a response in the other direction: More gay people are being openly gay. The idea that you think your approval is needed has actually drawn more gay people out of hiding.
Back when people didn't talk about gay sex so much, because everyone was sexually repressed, gay people just kept quiet and snuck off to their bathhouses or the Blue Oyster, or wherever gay people got together. But now that gay sex is on everyone's lips, gay people decided to fight back. And yes, that particular phrasing was done on purpose.
See, you don't have to approve of anything, because it's still going to happen. For instance, I don't approve of bigotry, but it hasn't stopped you from saying stupid shit about gay people, has it? In fact, to drive the point home, try that strategy in other scenarios to demonstrate how effective it is. Next time a bear
attacks you or a guy tries to rob your house, you should tell them, "I
don't approve of this lifestyle choice," and report back here to let
me know if it prevented you from getting shot or eaten. My thinking is
that I won't ever hear from you again.
That's why, despite this overt lack of approval, we still have gay people. The arrogance needed to believe that approval matters is why we still have thickheaded people walking around worrying about cock-ravenous gay men attacking them in showers and alleyways. I wish bigots understood how funny it is to listen to them fear the lustful urges of gay men without ever considering that:
A: Gay men might also have self control.
B: The bigot in question probably isn't even their type.
Instead of saying that you "approve" or "agree" with something, you should really ask yourself if you do or don't care. If you don't care, then you generally don't give a shit, and never think up stupid phrases like, "I don't agree with his lifestyle," or "What if he looks at me in the shower?" If you do care, then you probably give more thought to the activities of gay men than actual gay men do. At this point, you have to ask yourself why you care so much what gay men are doing. The answer is either one of those things: You're fucking ignorant, or you' know, curious.
You probably also assume that your own life is worthy of approval. It probably isn't. You probably cheat on your wife, or steal pens from your job, or vote Republican, or contribute to Love & Hip-Hop's ratings. Maybe you drink too much, or let your kids sag their jeans, or cheer for John Cena. Any number of things that deserve to be frowned upon. By my standards, I think that saying kind words about Justin Bieber should come with a mandatory jail sentence. And if you're thinking right now that it isn't about your standards, but the standards of your religion: I don't approve of your religion. Odds are, it's a manmade invention designed to placate the masses so they don't attack their wealthy overlords. It probably has a well-entrenched history of murder, genocide, racism, and misogyny, and in the modern age, does nothing but drive wedges in between people and/or hides pedophiles from justice.
So instead of wasting all that time and energy being judgmental (because this is a game that we can all play), why not just go live your life and let everyone else live theirs? All of that focus on manlove is time you could be spending inventing a Fruity Pebbles drink, or an iPad that does more than waste time. We don't need another person trying to stand in the way of other people's happiness, but we can always use another person who really couldn't give two fucks what's happening in someone else's bedroom.
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