Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Why are you still listening to Rush Limbaugh?

Once again, the country is up-in-arms about something Rush Limbaugh has said.

I really don't have a comment or any kind of special insight about what he said. Everyone's out there condemning him and whatnot, and that's fine with me. Yes, what he said was ignorant and stupid. I think he knew it was stupid when he said it, that's why he tried to cover it up by suggesting that Michael J. Fox didn't take his medication. We all know it was wrong. I grew up a huge Michael J. Fox fan. I'd like to punch Rush Limbaugh in the fatty cushion around his neck.

But my thing is, why are you still listening to Rush Limbaugh? Since when did the American people make it a habit of closely listening to junkies? Do you sit outside the liquor store and talk to the winos sitting on the stoop? So why would you listen to a pill-popper just because he has a big mouth and a radio show?

Rush Limbaugh has proven time after time that he's just going to say things to piss you off. And it works everytime. As a result, his ratings go up. Meanwhile, America is mad....yet you keep listening. You have to, because you have to be there to catch the next stupid thing he's going to say. Then, you'll get mad all over again. It's an endless cycle. Just stop listening.

It should have been over for him in the mid-90s, when Limbaugh-mania reached its peak. He was practically a demogogue for "conservatives." They hung on every divisive and hate-filled word. They took to the streets, screaming "Rush is Right!" No, Rush is high.

After that, he was relatively quiet, until ESPN hired him for football commentary. It was a grand idea all around, because when I watch football, I'm always thinking in the back of my mind, "I could really use some right-wing political talking points while special teams comes on the field." And we all remember how the Limbaugh experiment ended: He was fired for his comments about Donovan McNabb and the NFL's desire to have a black quarterback succeed. Basically, Rush was fired for saying the words "black," "media wants," and "doesn't deserve," in rapid succession.

My question is: Why did you even hire him? You KNEW he was going to say something like that. You might as well hire Howard Stern and pretend to act shocked when he asks about the other guys' wives' boobies on live TV, and gets porn stars to swallow kielbasas in the studio. Dammit,'s what they do.

Then, there was that mess with the painkillers. For most people, that would have completely ruined their credibility, but I guess if you listen to shows like him, or watch Fox News, you don't need credibility. Not if you just keep parroting the Republican Party line. And on that front, you gotta give it up, because the GOP always stays united.

But that's the thing...if you've been paying attention for at least the last 10 years, you wouldn't care about anything that this guy says. You know it's coming and it's all for shock value. It's not even like he's funny. He's just running his mouth. And America is falling into the trap. He doesn't care if you boycott, because he knows that the attention from this will bring more listeners to his show. And if you were listening just so you could hear him shoot his mouth off and get upset, who's really the bigger fool here?

Just don't listen to him. Unless you don't have hands, it's really not that hard to turn the dials on your radio.

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