Saturday, October 12, 2013

Some guy named Kevin Jackson is a partisan hack

Thanks to Twitter, this blog entry came to my attention, and I just couldn't resist.  It was attributed to Joe the Plumber, because most people who saw it came across it on his blog.  But there's no way a boob like that could be this articulate.  This wrong, yes, but not this articulate.  So I responded to the blog, FJM-style.  The unedited article can be found here.  The original post is in bold.  My comments are in regular text. 

Admit it. You want a white Republican president again. 

This is gonna go well.

Now before you start feeling like you’re a racist, understand you are not. Wanting a white Republican president doesn’t make you racist, it just makes you American. 

Naturally.  Everyone knows that this is the natural order of things.  Only wanting a black President makes you racist, which is why all of us black people voted for him.  We're all so racist.

In the pre-black president era, criticizing the president was simply the American thing to do. An exercise of one’s First Amendment right. Criticism had nothing to do with color, because there had never been a black president, or at least one whom people recognized as black. So to criticize the president meant that you didn’t like his policies. 

Yeah, all of those signs of President Obama as a witchdoctor or a monkey that Teabaggers held up were just the extra gravy to drive home the point of their valid criticism.  Definitely not racist.

The election of a recognized black president was not supposed to change anything. In fact, it was supposed to (1) ease any perceived racial tensions, and (2) allow the government to focus on legislating without race. So America would be more free than ever to discuss the issues. 

And yet, that damn Obama let his blackness get in the way.  Making all of these good white folks mad that he's black and President by being black AND President.  So racist.  How dare he?

Not the case. And that is why having a white Republican president is best for the country. Consider that nobody is ever accused of being racist for disagreeing with white presidents.

Unless you're Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Cynthia McKinney, Dr. Cornel West, Tavis Smiley, Roland Martin, Tupac, all of the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or any black commentator who isn't a Republican.  But go on. 

Mexicans disagreed with most white Republican presidents over America’s immigration policy. Many deranged Mexicans believe we should open the country up to them, some saying that much of America belongs to Mexico anyway. They are not called racists. 

Probably because they didn't say anything racist.  

Liberal blacks have disagreed with most Republican presidents since Eisenhower, yet these blacks are not considered racists. 

Clearly, you're not familiar with #WhiteTwitter. 
In fact, when blacks had sanity and disagreed with the policies of racist white Democrat presidents, nobody accused black people of being racists. 

Probably because, back then, people still knew what the word "racist" meant.
Fighting for one’s civil rights was not racist then, nor is it racist now. Blacks (and Republicans) were on the side of righteousness, when they disagreed with the racist policies of Andrew Johnson, and adopted by every Democrat president since. 

This is that part where Republicans forget what happened to their party in the 1960s.  Just willingly oblivious to the reasons why black people vote Democrat these days.  Always bringing up history until this decade. Then, they're all MARTIN LUTHER KING AND THE ABOLITIONISTS WERE REPUBLICANS WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????

Never has a black person been called racist, because they didn’t like one of the white presidents’ policies. Blacks were just exercising their First Amendment rights to speak freely. Blacks have disagreed with policy positions of about every Republican president in the modern era, including those who have helped them. 

See?  They just can't figure out why black people have been against Republicans since the 60s.  COINTELPRO was in your best interests, black people!
Take Reagan for example.

SAINT Reagan.  #fixed

Reagan ushered in a veritable Renaissance for blacks, as Fox News showcased. And the Reagan record? African-American columnist Joseph Perkins has studied the effects of Reaganomics on black America. He found that, after the Reagan tax cuts gained traction, African-American unemployment fell from 19.5 percent in 1983 to 11.4 percent in 1989. Black-owned businesses saw income rise from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987—an annual average growth rate of 7.9 percent. The black middle class expanded by one-third during the Reagan years, from 3.6 million to 4.8 million. 

Feel free to discount any impartiality in that block of text just because Fox News was cited as the source.

But, I would ask, what were the unemployment and income numbers for white people during the same time?  Because unless theirs were stagnant during the same period, I would just call that "general economic improvement," and not something he did specifically for black folks.  Just something we happened to benefit from.  Like welfare.  But please, continue giving Reagan this verbal handjob.      
Real Politics reports Obama’s statistics as follows: Median family income for black Americans has declined a whopping 10.9 percent during the Obama administration…This decline does not include losses suffered during the financial crisis and the recession that followed, but it instead measures declines since June 2009, when the recession officially ended. That’s not the only bad news for African-Americans. The poverty rate for blacks is now 25.8 percent. The black labor force participation rate, which rose throughout the 1980s and 1990s, has declined for the past decade and quite sharply under Obama to 61.4 percent. The black unemployment rate, according to Pew Research, stands at 13.4 percent. Among black, male, high school dropouts, PBS’ Paul Salmon reports, the unemployment rate is a staggering 95 percent. That report was from 2011, and it’s gotten worse since then. Facts don’t lie. 

Yes, like the fact that you're suggesting President Obama did this on purpose.

Yet blacks want to put Obama on Mt. Rushmore and hang Reagan in effigy. The only way you can argue with those stats is if you are a racist. 

He's the first black President.  That is pretty historic.  All he had to do was not fling his own poop at foreign dignitaries to lock down a Rushmore spot. 

And I argued with those stats, but I already knew I was a racist, because #WhiteTwitter told me so.  You know, that bastion of racial harmony. 

Truth be told, most Liberal blacks are racists. Nobody wants to discuss it, because racism by black Liberals has been sanctioned by the Left, even encouraged. 

I don't even know where this bullshit comes from.  So much wrong here, and yet, all of it remains a Republican talking point.

For instance, just because damn near all black people vote Democrat doesn't mean they're "liberals."  And almost all the black people I know vote Democrat, but they don't hate white people.  They might get angry with them, and truthfully, sometimes it's hard not to, but they don't hate white people.  
Black racists get a pass, as black race-baiters are unchallenged on the most idiotic ideas and statements. MSNBC’s TourĂ© said that using the word “angry” to describe Obama is racist. Juan Williams of Fox News said that mentioning the Constitution is racist, and the list goes on. But it gets worse. These Lefty racists do a far bigger disservice to blacks and America in general, as they rationalize Obama’s (and the Left’s) inability to create opportunity. 

And there it is.  "Voting for Democrats only hurts black people."  If only we were smart enough to look past all of the racist comments and behavior that come from Republicans to see that they're what's best for us. And I'm not even a Democrat.  I'm just anti-Republican. 

When their policies wreak havoc, they pose insane arguments. They say that Republicans are trying to starve people by reducing the welfare rolls that Liberals have happily increased by 16M Americans. Race-baiting, poverty-pimp Al Sharpton argued recently to keep 3M known deadbeats on welfare. 

Not like there's any particular reason why 16 million people needed to hop on food stamps.  No, the "liberals" just wanted them there.  You know, to bribe them into voting for Democrats.  Of course. 

Black racists don’t complain when black people are marginalized and insulted with policies that dumb down black America, like the lessening of academic standards. They are fine telling black youths that those youths are less smart than all other ethnic groups. 

I've never heard of a black kid saying that they were told that they weren't as smart as other ethnic groups.  Not unless that black kid was reading a report from the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank that swears that black people are dumber than white people.  I know you know who they are, because Fox News cites their research all the time. 

Certainly no future ramifications from that policy, said nobody ever. These same racists allow for black children to be cheated in education and ultimately, opportunity, as their enablers—guilty white Liberal racists—turn a blind eye. 

Yeah, Republicans haven't played a part in the reduction of education standards at all, what with their desire to get everyone into private schools, fire public school teachers, bust unions, cut funding, add religion to science classes, rewrite history books to remove references to slavery and Civil Rights, as well as the horrific disaster called "No Child Left Behind," that has continued to ruin education for the last decade.  But keep telling us how "liberals" are so bad for education.

I long for the days of a white president, because under white presidents, at least black people had pride. Liberals have stolen pride from blacks, and they have no intention of giving it back. At least if we had a white president, black people might have a shot of regaining a modicum of respect. 

Yeah, we had so much pride under those first 40 Presidents.  Slavery and Jim Crow just helped us build character, right?

© 2013 Kevin Jackson – The Black Sphere, LLC – All Rights Reserved

Giving him all the credit for his bullshit, because I couldn't be this blind if I tried.

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