Sunday, May 06, 2007

A Short Missive About the Hate Crime Bill

There are people out there who are against the changes to the Hate Crime bill that add gay people to this list of people who fall under its protection. They claim that it infringes on their right to oppose homosexuality.

My bad...I wasn't aware that opening someone's skull with a cinder block was an expression of free speech.

Come on, people. You can't be serious.

No one's saying that you gotta like gay people or have them over for dinner. You can not like them all you want to. You just can't light them on fire or hang them from trees or shoot them for allegedly whistling at you. I don't see how that's hard to do. Since when did it become a struggle not to engage in violence?

It's that line of thinking that has the law there in the first place. Apparently, bigots haven't learned much since the law was first enacted to help protect black people. I mean, it's not like these people are doing anything to you. Other than, you know...existing and living their lives. I mean, how dare they?

I understand a lot of people don't agree with the law in the first place, as they say that it makes some crimes more illegal than others. Then again, when a bunch of dudes jump in a truck to go attack someone who didn't even do anything other than enjoy sucking dick in the privacy of his own home...well, I'd say that's a special kind of crime that deserves a special kind of penalty.

Gay people deserve special protection mainly because a whole lot of you can't seem to keep control when you see one. The problem isn't with them. It's with you. Because if you look at a gay person and can't control your completely-made-up urge to tie them to the back of your truck, I'd say you're probably secretly gay yourself.

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