Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Delusion of Holocaust Denial

I truly don't care whether or not a Holocaust denier is getting let back into the Catholic Church, but the whole idea of denying the Holocaust is something's always baffled me since I first heard of these people. I suppose it leaves open the possibility that there are slavery deniers out there and that Black people are actually from here, springing naturally from the trees in America's forests. You know, because we're monkeys.

As I understand it, Holocaust deniers do not believe that Adolf Hitler had plans to systematically murder the six million Jews that are claimed to have died in the Holocaust, despite having an irrational hatred for Jews. It's a stretch for me to believe, but then, I used to believe that Tupac was still alive. I have no room to bag on anybody. The point is, some people will believe anything. Some people still believe that the Egyptians were white, even though they're African in all of their representative art. Must have all been a typo. Just one big typo made of stone.

The difference between the Egyptians and the Holocaust, though, is that the Egyptians lived thousands of years in the past. The Holocaust happened like, 70 years ago. It might as well have happened last March, because there are pictures and videotapes of the damn thing. There are living eyewitnesses who saw it go down from both sides. So unless everyone involved is lying, the fact that former Nazis admitted to it kind of puts a boot heel in the throat of the deniers' beliefs. I guess the mass graves that were found during and after World War II is just some sort of traditional Jewish sleeping method where they nude up, lie in giant piles on top of each other and decompose. I hear Moses used to do the same thing in his day.

The only part of their story that they can even hold onto without sounding like lunatics is whether or not it was actually six million people and that's a legitimate question. How did they arrive at that number, because it's not like they had CSI back then. I don't think they could reconstruct the charred ashes of people to get an accurate count. They still don't know exactly how many people died in the World Trade Center, so i'm pretty sure that the number of Holocaust victims isn't exactly spot on. Could be five, could be seven, but it was a massacre either way, so what are we arguing about here? If the number is between one and three million, do we have to call it the "Microcaust" instead and they have to give back "Holocaust Rememberance Day?"

They found the gas chambers, and try as you might to paint the gas chambers as something other than gas chambers, they weren't giving the Jews "Freedom Showers." Why go through all this trouble, anyway? It's not like the Nazis intentions were misconstrued. "They weren't really hatemongers who wanted to conquer the world. God was just really in the mood to love all of his non-white children up close and the Nazis were carrying out his will."

It's not exactly a noble crusade, defending the Nazis. The only people who defend Nazis are other Nazis, and I don't know about anyone else, but that leaves a credibility gap. Same with the Aryan Nation, Skinheads, or Klansmen who try to pick up the slack. No one's even going to consider your argument because invariably, part of it is going to contain words like "master race" or "Seig heil!" That stuff never works, mostly because no one knows what "Seig heil" means.

So feel free to let one of those guys back into the Catholic Church. I don't care, because I don't take marching orders from an old guy in a plexiglass box on top of a car.

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