Thursday, January 01, 2009

Combat racism for what?

It's ironic that a man named "Black" runs the largest white supremacist site in the country.

Martin Luther the King is accused of being a liar, drunk, cheater, and plagiarist. Even if it's all 100% true, it doesn't change the fact that he was a great man who gave his life to make the world better than it was before him. I really hope that people weren't expecting the man to be perfect. I don't believe Jesus was perfect, so the rest of us will never even get close.

Meanwhile, what are these white supremacists doing to make the world better? Whose lives have they changed for the better? What have they ever done to make someone else happy? Instead, all they do is tear down others, not even bothering to present a viable alternative to the world they oppose. It's no wonder that these people vote Republican all the time.

I suppose I could get upset with white supremacist site for taking a site called and presenting him as having comparable moral fiber to Tony Montana, but I'm not even going to argue with it, because there's no point to it. These are people who hate people of other races for no reason, then think up their justifications later. Now, if they're not smart enough to know why they hate me up front, I pity them more than I hate them because of their ongoing battle with uncontrollable drooling.

I figure if you're dumb enough to believe that Black people are inherently less intelligent than white people, then you're dumb enough to believe that white people alone built this country and that the rest of us are actually going to stand still and let you kill us. I wonder if they still believe that Black men have monster dicks and live only to sleep with white women.

My suggestion to everyone is to ignore these people, including the roster at Fox News. My reason for it is simple: They're not going to change, but they will become 100% obsolete at some point. All we have to do is wait them out, live our happy lives in harmony and let them keep being mad that white people aren't in charge of everything anymore. Time and anger strokes will take care of the rest.

We could fight them, but you might as well try to win at shadowboxing or convince air to transform into money, because all three things are going to leave us all looking really stupid. All that fighting them is going to do is keep the hate going. I'd rather just sit back and wait for the day to come when people like that are looked down upon from the judgmental perch known as "a future perspective," like how we view breakdancers today, or people who wore jheri curls.

And that day is coming. Yes, there are a lot of white people that are upset that a Black man will be President, and that's okay. I think the majority of those people will be saved from their own stupidity once they see that Barack Obama is not the rap video stereotype that they feared he would be or they realize that some socialist policies have actually benefited us for decades, like labor laws.

The rest of them, they're a lost cause. You can try to convince them to see the error of their ways, but you might as well try to convince your bowels to stop moving. It won't end well for you either way. The only way that they're going to change is to go to jail and spend hours a day folding bedsheets with Guy Torry. Come to think of it, that might just make things worse.

But exposure to Black people is the only thing that can change those people, and that's not going to happen as long as these groups are living in the backwoods in Alabama or Montana. After all, people who grow up around Black people tend not to act like that. They also tend to bathe and keep teeth in their mouths. But we're not about to put together missions to go into the woods and convert these people with chicken and soul records, because it's something about the woods that contain clearly crazy white people that just makes Black people uneasy.

I know I'm not going to knock on some racist's cabin door in Montana. I'll leave that to someone way stupider. Me, I'm content knowing that the odds are that they're not actually going to do anything besides write books about how white people are "losing the country" and keep hoping that someone with bigger balls gets the race war started.

Conversely, white supremacists need to understand that even if a race war starts, they can't kill everyone. Again, it's no surprise that they all vote Republican, because they've adopted Bush's foreign policy to be their policy for everything. The world is not the world that it was in the 1950s and it's never going to back to that. More people like the fact that today's world has spicy food and good dancing in it. That's not to say that there isn't a role for white people stuff in this world, because who's going to play our sarcastic TV doctors and movie serial killers?

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